Through this project I explored the theme of cultural preservation and oral traditional histories, and the obstacles and issues that face the preservation of Palestinian cultural history and collective memory. For centuries the telling of folktales and the role of the storyteller has served as an integral part of a community. A people's culture, traditions, customs, social norms, beliefs and dreams all reside within folktales, and this oral history is passed down from generation to generation. Due to several external threats, and the dying out of the art of storytelling, Palestinian folktales face the risk of disappearance from our collective memory if there is no effort to preserve them. By illustrating this folktale and turning it into a tangible book rather than a digital copy, I aim to preserve Palestinian collective memory and culture.

Below: Original artwork - acrylic and mixed media on photograph paper

Artwork collaged in Photoshop to create each scene

- 2019 -